Monday 30 March 2015

Monitoring Performance in Exchange 2013

Exchange by default creates a daily performance monitor report in the followin location: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Logging\Diagnostics\DailyPerformanceLogs

The recource monitor is also very good for a quick health check of system resource usage, and finally performance monitor will help you build an overview of the performance over a pre-defined period:

All sampling inervals are set to 5 seconds.

Average Client RPC Latency:
MSExchangeIS Client Type\RPC Average Latency (Scale 1000)
Reccomended Value: 50ms

Memory\Available Mbytes (MB):
Reccomended Value (50MB Free)

Recommended Value: (no more than 1000)

Memory\Pool Nonpaged Bytes (Scale 10000)
Recommended Value: (no more than 100MB)

Memory\Pool Paged Bytes (Scale 10000)
Recommended Value: (no more than 200MB)

Queues should also be monitored / checked:
Get-Queue | Format-List

Disk Queue Lengths

Please see here for more informaion on working out queue lengths.

MSExchangeTransport Queues\Active Mailbox Delivery Queue Legnth
Recommended Value: (variable)
Description: Active Mailbox Delivery Queue Length is the number of items in the active mailbox queues. This alert indicates that more than 250 messages have been in the Active Mailbox Delivery Queue for more than 5 minutes.

MSExchangeTransport Queues\External Active Remote Delivery Queue Legnth
Indicates the queue count of external mail items (i.e. going to the internet) waiting to be sent on the transport server.

MSExchange RpcClientAccess\RPC Requests
(Should be below 70.)

Processor\Processor Time % (Should be below 75%)

Process\Privilaged Time % (Should be below 75%)
Description: The percentage of time a process was running in privileged mode.

Process\User Time % (Should be below 75%)
Description:  The percentage of time a process was running in user mode.

Network Adapter\Bytes Sent/sec
Network Adapter\Bytes Recieved/sec
Network Adapter\Bytes Total/sec


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