Wednesday 19 September 2018

Using the trace option with the bash shell

Until recently I wasn't aware bash has inbuilt tracing capabilities - which can really help when attempting to troubleshoot a script that is breaking.

Simply add the '-x' switch - for example:

/bin/bash -x /path/to/

Batch conversion of cer to pem certificates with openssl and bash

While this example can be applied pretty generically - it came in useful when I was tasked with converting several dozen certificates:
for i in *.cer;
  echo Converting: $i...
  outfile=`echo $i | sed s/.cer/.pem/`
  openssl x509 -inform der -in $i -out $outfile

Changing / assigning contexts with SELinux (labelling)

I came accross an SELinux error the other day when I instructed rsyslog to write radius logs to '/var/log/radius'.

The message was as follows:

'SELinux is preventing /usr/sbin/rsyslogd from write access on the directory /var/log/radius.#012#012*****'

After inspecting the SELinux label:

ls -Z /var/log/radius

drwx------. radiusd radiusd system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t:s0 radacct
-rw-r-----. radiusd radiusd system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t:s0 radius.log
-rw-r-----. radiusd radiusd system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t:s0 radius.log-1234567.gz

It was clear that the typical 'var_log_t' context was absent and hence preventing rsyslog from writing logs.

The 'var_log_t' defines common logging directories / files.

In order to assign a context we can issue the following:

chcon system_u:object_r:var_log_t:s0 /var/log/radius && chcon system_u:object_r:var_log_t:s0 /var/log/radius/*

Warning: Using chcon will not make the change of context permanent - we need to use semanage to ensure changes remain in tact after system relabel or the restorecon command.

semanage fcontext -a -t var_log_t "/var/log/radius(/.*)?"

The last part of the command instructs all existing files (and newly created ones) to be of the 'var_log_t' context within the '/var/log/radius' directory.

Finally confirm our changes (using restorecon as well to ensure changes are permanent):

restorecon -R -v /var/log/radius

ls -Z

Thursday 13 September 2018

Firewall Port Requirements for DFSR

I decided to compile this list due to the lack of coherent on the internet - even Microsoft's own documentation listed ports that clearly had no purpose. While these ports are automatically opened up when installing the specific features on the server they commonly need to be added external firewalls as well.

RPC: TCP/49152-65535 OR ideally set a static port (dfsrdiag staticRPC /port:<port-number>; net stop dfsr; net start dfsr)

If you require remote DFS management ensure that the following ports are enabled:

WMI and RPC: TCP/49152-65535

You will also need to ensure that ports requried for file sharing are present:

ICMP: Echo Request
SMB (as above): TCP/445
LLMNR (Optional - but rarely needed these days): UDP/5335
NETBIOS (Optional - but rarely needed these days): UDP/147, UDP/138, TCP/139

If you require remote file server management you will also need to enable the following ports:

DCOM (as above): TCP/135
SMB (as above): TCP/445
WMI: TCP/49152-65535 (Windows Vista and above)

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Generating an AWS CMK with external key material (YubiHSM)

AWS provides you with the ability to use your own key material (i.e. generate your own symmetric key) for use with its Key Management Service.

In this tutorial I will demonstrate the complete process from create the CMK (Customer Master Key) - to securing the a service such as EBS with it.

Note: A CMK can be generated via the AWS CLI optionally - but for this example we'll stick to the AWS console.

Firstly from the AWS Management Console go to IAM (Identity Access Management.) Proceed by clicking on 'Encryption Keys' in the lower part of the left hand navigational menu.

If this is the first time you have used the service you'll need to skip through the welcome wizard.

Proceed by selecting the appropriate region (as by default this does not correspond with the region you are currently using.)

Hit 'Create Key'. Provide an alias, key description and expand the 'Advanced Options' tab. Here you will be able to define the origin / source of the key material. By default this is generated by Amazon's KMS service - however we'll select 'External' as we wish our own HSM (YubiHSM) to do this for us.

Proceed by setting up tagging, key administrators (i.e. users or roles who can perform administrative functions like deletion of key through the AWS API) and key usage permissions (i.e. what users or services that can use the key for encryption / decryption - in this case EBS.

You'll finally be presented with a chance to download the wrapping key and import token (not that this expires after 24 hours.) Make sure the 'RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256' algorithm is selected as it's the most secure method currently and fully supported by YubiHSM. The wrapping key is used to secure the symmetric key we will be exporting from YubiHSM and the import token is simply authorises you to upload the wrapped key to IAM.

Note: A wrap key is simply a way of securing a private key - typically used when a key is mobile e.g. being exported to another system. If you regularly use Windows systems you will have likely come across PKCS12 which is used to wrap keys.

The next step is to import our wrap key into YubiHSM - this can be performed 1 of 2 ways - either import it directly from the terminal:

./yubihsm-shell -a put-asymmetric -A aes256-ccm-wrap -c export_wrapped,import_wrapped --delegated=asymmetric_sign_pkcs,asymmetric_decrypt_pkcs,export_under_wrap --in=wrappingKey_wxyz -i 0x150

We can confirm it's been imported with:

session open 1
created session 0
list objects 0

We'll generate our symmetric key with:

get random <session-id> <pseudo-bytes> <out-file>

Note: As per the documentation for every 'pseudo byte' you get two bytes of data - so if in the event we are generating a 256 bit key we need to generate 32 bytes (258 / 8.) So in this case we need to generate 16 pseudo bytes:

get random 0 16 key.bin   

The ls output confirms the file is equal to 32 bytes:

ls -l key.bin

-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 32 Sep  5 12:12 key.bin

or if you are in a test environment (and the following command should only even be run in one - due to lack of true randomness) you can perform it on a Linux box with:

openssl rand -rand /dev/urandom <bytes>


openssl rand -rand /dev/urandom 32> key.bin

Since urandom takes bytes and we need 256 bits we do 256 / 8 = 32 bytes.

and to wrap the key:

openssl pkeyutl -in key.bin -out key.bin.enc -inkey wrappingKey_wxyz -keyform DER -pubin -encrypt -pkeyopt rsa_padding_mode:oaep -pkeyopt rsa_oaep_md:sha256

Return to the IAM key wizard page and click on the 'I am ready to upload my exported key material' and hit Next. Specify the Key Material (key.bin.enc), the import token (importToken_1234567...) and whether the key expires or not. Finally hit 'Finish.'

Note: You can also perform this operation from the AWS CLI with:

aws kms –region eu-west-1 import-key-material --key-id key-alias123456789 --encrypted-key-material fileb://key.bin.enc --import-token fileb://importToken_1234567... --expiration-model KEY_MATERIAL_DOES_NOT_EXPIRE

We can now create a newly created encrypted EBS volume. From the AWS Management Console go to EC2 >> Elastic Block Store >> Volumes >> 'Create Volume' and ensure that the 'Encrypt this Volume' is ticked. Select the newly created CMK and hit 'Create Volume.'

The last step is to ensure we import our unencrypted key material (key.bin) is imported into our YubiHSM - this can be done with the 'put opaque' command:

put opaque 0 0 aws-cmk 1 export_wrapped,import_wrapped opaque key.bin

Note: This key should also be included as part of your backup policy in the event that the YubiHSM device is lost / stolen or damaged.
