Friday 28 August 2015

Using the Active Directory Powershell module with Windows Server 2003

In order to perform this you will need to firstly install Powershell 2.0 on the server 2003 instance:

Unfortunately we have to issue our powershell commands from a Windows 7 (or Server 2008 R2+) if we wish to use the 'ActiveDirectory' module.

Ensure that the following hotfix is installed on the Server 2003 instance:

*** Firstly ensure that the LATEST version of the .NET framework is installed before proceeding! ***

You should also install the hotfix for .NET Framework 3.5.1 (KB969166) which can be downloaded below:

and install the following on the server 2003 instance:

In order to perform this on the Windows 7 machine we should firstly download and install the Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7 from:

Proceed by activating the feature from: Control Panel >> Programs and Features >> 'Turn Windows features on or off' >> Remote Server Administration Tools >> Role Administration Tools >> AD FS and AD LDS Tools >> and ensure that the 'Active Directory Module for Windows Powershell' node is ticked.

We proceed by launching powershell from cmd on our Windows 7 box:
Import our AD module with:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
You should then be able to run your AD related commands e.g.:
Search-AdAccount -LockedOut -SearchBase "OU=myou,DC=my,DC=domain" -Server mydomaincontroller | Unlock-AdAccount
This will search an OU for locked accounts on a specific server, display them and then automatically unlock them for you.


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