Wednesday 2 September 2015

Setting up a reverse proxy for several websites with IIS and TMG 2010

Firstly launch the Forefront TMG Console and go to the "Firewall Policy" node and select "Publish Web Sites" on the Tasks" navigation window on the far left.

In the wizard give the rule name something like "Reverse Proxy" >> Next >> Allow >> Select "Publish multiple Web sites" >> Add your desired site.

The wizard will also ask you to create a new 'Listener' - assign or add an additional IP address to your 'External' adapter.

Make the appropriate DNS entries into your DSN system and proceed by going to IIS and setting up our reverse proxy:

We will need to download the 'URL Rewrite' module for IIS (supported on IIS 7.0+) from the following URL:

and also the 'Application Request Routing' extension available from:

Once installed go to IIS Manager >> Server >> 'Application Request Routing' >> 'Server Proxy Settings...' >> Ensure 'Enable Proxy' is ticked.

Once installed launch the IIS Manager >> Create a New Website >> URL Rewrite >> Reverse Proxy and enter the relevent information.

Finally restart your site and test.


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