Wednesday 15 February 2017

Setting up replication with GlusterFS on CentOS 7

GlusterFS is a relatively new (but promising) file system aimed at providing a scalable network file system for typically bandwidth intensive tasks - such as media streaming, file sharing and so on. There are also other alternatives I could have used instead - such as GPFS - although unless you have a pretty substantial budget not many businesses will be able to adopt this.

Let's firstly setup our GlusterFS volume - on node A:

yum install centos-release-gluster
yum install glusterfs-server

echo GLUSTER01 > /etc/hostname
echo GLUSTER02 >> /etc/hosts
echo GLUSTER01 >> /etc/hosts

sudo systemctl enable glusterd
sudo systemctl start glusterd

We'll also need to permit access the following ports for GlusterFS i.e. from node A to B and back:

111 / tcp
24007 / tcp GlusterFS Daemon.
24008 / tcp GlusterFS Management
38465 to 38467 / tcp GlusterFS NFS service
49152 to  n  / tcp - Depends on number of bricks.

which translates to:

iptables -t filter -I INPUT 3 -p tcp --dport 111 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t filter -I INPUT 3 -p tcp --dport 24007:24008 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t filter -I INPUT 3 -p tcp --dport 38465:38467 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t filter -I INPUT 3 -p tcp --dport 49152 -j ACCEPT#
sudo iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables

otherwise you might get:

peer probe: failed: Probe returned with unknown errno 107

Continue by rinse and repeating for the second server.

Now let's check connectivity with each gluster peer:

GLUSTER01> gluster peer probe GLUSTER02
GLUSTER02> gluster peer probe GLUSTER01

We can then check the peer(s) status with:

gluster peer status

Let's now add an additional drive to each host - lets say udev names it /dev/sdb:

parted /dev/sdb
mktable msdos
mkpart pri xfs 0% 100%

mkfs.xfs -L SHARED /dev/sdb1


echo 'UUID=yyyyyy-uuuu-444b-xxxx-a6a31a93dd2d /mnt/shared xfs defaults 0 0' >> /etc/fstab

Rinse and repeat for the second host.

Create the volume with:

gluster volume create datastore replica 2 transport tcp GLUSTER01:/mnt/shared/datastore GLUSTER02:/mnt/shared/datastore

and then start it with:

gluster volume start datastore

To check the status of the volume use (on any node):

gluster volume info

We should also set the access permission for example to allow the network:

gluster volume set datastore auth.allow "172.30.*"

We can now mount the glusterfs filesystem on the client as follows:

sudo modprobe fuse
sudo yum install fuse fuse-libs openib libibverbs -y
sudo yum install  glusterfs-client -y

mkdir /mount/gluster
mount -t glusterfs GLUSTER01:datastore /mount/gluster

and on GLUSTER02:

sudo modprobe fuse
sudo yum install fuse fuse-libs openib libibverbs -y
sudo yum install  glusterfs-client -y

mkdir /mount/gluster
mount -t glusterfs GLUSTER02:datastore /mount/gluster

Then we can test the replication from GLUSTER01 e.g.

touch  /mount/gluster/test.txt

If it's present on GLUSTER02 we have success!

If things don't quite work the first time you can tail the log files to help troubelshoot:

tail -f /var/log/glusterfs/<name>.log


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