This tutorial serves as a quick guide on how to utilize templates with your views in Django.
Lets first deploy a new instance of Django:
pip install Django==1.9.7
mkdir C:%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\django
cd C:%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\django
django-admin startproject myapp
and then create our new web app:
cd myapp
python startapp nagios
python migrate
python runserver
And ensure the website comes up OK.
Now lets make a start on creating out template object - this will be done interactively via the shell initially:
python shell
from django import template
import datetime
myTemplateObject = template.Template('<html><body>The current time is {{ thetime }}.</body></html>')
myContextObject = template.Context({'thetime':})
The above will simply output the date and time. In other languages this is very similar to achors which allow you insert specific data into a specific point in a document.
Now - a slightly more complex example might be where we wish to insert a number of rows into an HTML table - we can utilize python types like lists as well - for example:
from django import template
resultString = ''
tableelements = template.Template('<td> {{ element }} </td>')
for element in ('Harry', 'John', 'Ben'):
resultString += tableelements.render(template.Context({'element': element}))
myTemplateObject = template.Template('<html><body><table style="width:100%"><tr> {{ resultString }} </tr></table></body></html>')
myContextObject = template.Context({'resultString': resultString})
Now we will apply this to a view, for example in our file:
Create a the folder 'mymonitor' and the file (template) template.html and ensure that you add the anchor in: {{ element }}
and then add the following to your file:
def table1(request):
return render(request, 'mymonitor/template.html', {'element': resultString})
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